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更新于: November 01日, 2024

二手 2010 Mercedes-Benz C250 1.8 Sedan - 汽车出售

更新于: November 01日, 2024

Enjoy professionally WALLET FRIENDLY inspected cars.

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  • Hassle free loan application process

  • High loan approval rate

  • Partnered with lots of Financial institute and Credit institute

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  • Worried about financing? CARSOME Capital got you covered, speak to us!

  • Trade in your car to us to get more discounts!

  • 5-day money-back policy*

  • 100% fully refundable booking fees if you cancel*

    *Terms and conditions apply

❗❗ Please note that 5-day money-back guarantee is not applicable to commercially registered vehicles. Feel free to contact our CARSOME Consultants to find out more.

👍 Our vehicles are:

  • Checked at 175 points, free of major accident, fire and flood damage.

  • Fully Transparent with the issues - Comes with a full inspection report

🚘Come and test drive a CARSOME car today for a reliable and convenient car buying experience. Just buy and drive, with no worries!

📞 Don't wait any longer – Call or Whatsapp us today to schedule an appointment or to get more information!

CSID #C3H5200



变速器 Auto自动挡


车门 4
座位容量 5


引擎CC 1796
汽油/能源种类 Petrol - Unleaded (ULP)
Safety Tips Safety Tips


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二手 2010 Mercedes-Benz C250 1.8 Sedan - 汽车出售
经销商 Authorized Selangor Petaling Jaya
RM 583 / 月
RM 45,000

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