Perodua Myvi Merdeka SE – Model Facelift Myvi Yang Diimpikan? 汽车专题 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | August 24日, 2021 Bersempena dengan bulan kemerdekaan negara, kami di ingin berkongsi sebuah render Perodua Myvi Merdeka Special Edition (SE) yang ...
Why 2021 Proton Iriz (Active) Still Can't Knock Down The Perodua Myvi? 汽车专题 Jim Kem | August 13日, 2021 Last week, Proton launched the 2021 version of the Proton Iriz hatch, even adding a Proton Iriz Active variant but can it knock down the reigning ...
RM10,000 Used Cars: The Smart And The Not So Smart Options 汽车专题 Adam Aubrey | June 29日, 2021 You can buy many good cars for around RM10,000, but there are also a few rotten apples you should avoid like the plague. Buying an ...
10 Kali King Myvi Mengejutkan Malaysia! 汽车专题 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | June 22日, 2021 Meskipun telah 16 tahun berada dalam pasaran negara, namun Perodua Myvi atau lebih terkenal dengan gelaran King of The Road ini sering muncul di dada ...
Jenis Bateri Kereta Dan Bateri Yang Sesuai Untuk Perodua Myvi 购买指南 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | June 18日, 2021 Tahukah anda kereta Perodua Myvi merupakan kereta yang paling berjaya dalam sejarah Malaysia? Mana taknya, sekarang ni, anggaran 1,000,000 juta ...
Hatchback vs Sedan: The Pros And Cons 汽车专题 Adam Aubrey | May 28日, 2021 Stuck between purchasing a hatchback or a sedan? Then these pros and cons of a hatchback and a sedan will probably help with your decision. The SUV ...
Kekurangan Cip Semikonduktor – Penghasilan Perodua Myvi Dihadkan 所有资讯 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | May 19日, 2021 Perodua mencatatkan penurunan sebanyak 17% dalam jumlah jualan pada bulan April kerana kekurangan cip semikonduktor. Oleh itu, Perodua dikhabarkan ...
King Myvi Kecundang di Selekoh Berhantu – Angkara Longkai Atau Gelabah Nampak Polis? 汽车专题 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | May 19日, 2021 Sebuah video kemalangan jalan raya yang tular media sosial baru-baru ini menunjukkan sebuah Perodua Myvi terbabas di Lebuh Raya Sultan Iskandar, ...
What's Coming Next for Perodua After Ativa? 汽车专题 Aswan | April 22日, 2021 The world has welcomed the Perodua Ativa with open arms, so the question now is - where does Perodua go from here? 2021 is going to be a bit of an ...
5 Kelebihan Perodua Ativa (D55L) – Bakal Rampas Tahkta King of The Road? 汽车专题 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | February 25日, 2021 Adakah gelaran King of The Road akan bertukar tangan daripada Myvi ke Ativa? Ramai dah tak sabar nak tunggu pelancaran Perodua Ativa pada 3 Mac ini. ...
Will The Perodua Ativa D55L Cannibalize The Myvi? 汽车专题 Adam Aubrey | February 22日, 2021 Many think the Perodua Aruz will be the first casualty of the Perodua Ativa era, but we think it's the Myvi that is in the line of fire. The ...
Can I Buy A Nissan GT-R R35 With RM7,000 Gaji? 购买指南 Adam Aubrey | February 02日, 2021 Can I buy the legendary 'Godzilla' Nissan GT-R R35 on an RM7,000 salary? We all know that the Nissan GT-R R35 is one hell of a sports car, but given ...
Godzilla vs Kong – Myvi Hentam Nissan GT-R R35, Siapa Jaguh? 所有资讯 Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | January 27日, 2021 Baru baru ini, ada berita tentang Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 yang terbabit dalam kemalangan di Shah Alam. Walaupun bukan kereta kita, namun sakitnya ...
2021 Perodua Myvi - Is It Coming? 汽车专题 Aswan | January 14日, 2021 We know that a facelifted Perodua Myvi was just launched last year, but Perodua does have a habit of making special edition models... Perodua Myvi ...
Why The Proton Iriz Is Just Not Good Enough! 汽车专题 Adam Aubrey | January 05日, 2021 What happened to the Proton Iriz? Why is it not the choice of many? When the Proton Iriz was created, it had one mission in life, and that mission ...
Perodua Issue Fuel Pump Recall for Myvi 所有资讯 Ferdinand | August 09日, 2020 Malang tidak berbau bagi Perodua, the fuel pump recall that has plagued the likes of Toyota and Honda has now hit close to home with a recall for the ...
iCarData: The Best Time To Buy/Sell A 2015 Perodua Myvi “Lagi Best” 1.5L Advance 汽车专题 Arvind | July 22日, 2020 The Perodua Myvi is to the Malaysian motoring scene, what Nasi Lemak and durians are to our Malaysian pallet, and we love it as much as we love our ...
2020 Perodua Myvi Gets ASA 2.0, New Electric Blue Colour 所有资讯 Gokul | July 15日, 2020 Perodua today announced that the Myvi has received a significant safety boost and a striking new body colour for 2020, and is now available for ...