My Stupidly Obvious Road Tax Reform Plan Is Stupidly Obvious Rencana Jim Kem | January 25, 2021 Previously, and bluntly, I tried to explain why I thought the road tax sytem in Malaysia is embarassingly out of date and does not seem to conform to ...
Stuck In The Past: Why Road Tax In Malaysia NEEDS To Change Rencana Jim Kem | January 12, 2021 There’s plenty to say on the state of road tax in Malaysia, but as far as one-word summaries go, we can all roughly agree that words such as ...
Online Car Insurance Renewals Were Convenient But Are Now Essential (Almost) Rencana Jim Kem | December 08, 2020 Much like our road tax, car insurance renewals, for most of us, is something of a nuisance we want to swat away whenever that time of the year comes ...
Porsche Taycan Road Tax – How Is It So Expensive? Rencana Aswan | September 23, 2020 With the launch of the Porsche Taycan, we got an insight into how electric car road tax is calculated… but how is it so expensive?The Malaysian ...
You Can Now Wait Three Years To Renew Road Tax Before PUSPAKOM Inspection Berita Kereta Aswan | September 07, 2020 This doesn’t mean that you can drive your car on expired road tax and insurance, but it does give you some breathing room.For the longest time, it ...
All You Need to Know About Road Tax, Classic Car Status Rencana Gokul | May 19, 2020 The road tax, which is also known by various names around the world, is a form of tax which has to be paid for a vehicle to be used on a public road. ...
10,000 Road Tax Stickers And 1,500 Car Grants Smuggled Out From State JPJ, Two Officers Among Those Detained Berita Kereta Gerard | May 07, 2015 The Negeri Sembilan state Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has revealed that more than 10,000 blank road tax stickers were smuggled out of ...