You can now 'share' your vehicle road tax with other MyJPJ app users
所有资讯The Malaysian Ministry of Transport (MOT) has introduced the second phase of digitalisation today with enhanced features on the MyJPJ app.
Starting today (2 January 2024), the Digital Motor Vehicle License (e-LKM) or digital roadtax can now be shared with other MyJPJ app users via the 'Kongsi LKM' function located under the vehicle's digital road tax within the app.
It's a quick and effective solution for those who are not driving their vehicles. With this feature, vehicle owners can 'share' the e-LKM within a time period set by them with other members of the family, friends, and anyone who has been authorised such as drivers.
An activation code will be sent to the recipient via the app in order to display the vehicle's e-LKM on their mobile device. Once this step is cleared, the vehicle's digital roadtax will be visible in the app on your phone.
In other words, you can no longer use the excuse "This is my father's/mother's/brother's/sister's/uncle's/aunty's/friend's car, I don't have the road tax" with the authorities.
Another new function that will be available on the MyJPJ app starting 1 February 2024 is the online renewal for both the Malaysian Motor Vehicle License (e-LKM) and Malaysian Driving License (e-LMM).
Online vehicle road tax and driving license renewals will be carried out in stages starting with private vehicle owners for Malaysian citizens. This online renewal will help save time, cost, as well congestion of doing them physically at JPJ counters.
To encourage the Malaysian Driving License (e-LMM) renewal via the app, the Ministry of Transport is offering an RM5 rebate from 1 February 2024 until the end of the year.
The discount still applies if you wish to renew your driving license through the JPJ counter, mySIKAP portal, Pejabat Pos Malaysia, and MyEG Services. However, this RM5 rebate is only for Malaysian citizens.
What if you still want the physical vehicle road tax and/or driving license? You can still do so but the JPJ will be issuing a new standardised physical LKM and LMM in the form of a 'security paper'.
In other words, there will be no more vehicle road tax stickers or plastic card driving licenses moving forward. For the new papers, there's no need to display them but you will need to show them to the authorities if requested. So, keep them close to you at all times.