Video: Unknown Man Left His Honda Civic After Toll And Went Bonkers
所有资讯Not that we want to laugh at this Honda Civic owner. But given the numerous scenarios that we are currently facing as Malaysian motorists (as listed below), we can't help but want to join him as well.
- Rising car prices
- Toll rates that increased disproportionately
- Petrol prices that are still comparatively high
- Living costs that are expected to shoot up even higher
- Roads and infrastructures that aren't fixed
- That dreaded 6% GST
- Crime rates that are on the rise
- Public transport fares that will soon go up
- The haze that is killing each and everyone of us slowly
- Simply not feasible to consider driving taxi as second income
- Might get beaten if opt to be a UBER or GrabCar driver
- Might get your car confiscated if you opt to be a UBER or GrabCar driver
What to do? Apa lagi orang Malaysia mau? Watch the video below