
Transport Ministry - Stricter Guidelines for Parcel Delivery Riders and Services


Transport Ministry - Stricter Guidelines for Parcel Delivery Riders and Services

The Transport Ministry has introduced stricter guidelines for delivery riders – who have been categorised as “P(arcel) – Hailing” services  – to further care for the safety and health of the riders and customers during the current MCO.

The stricter guidelines for P-Hailing riders are as follows:

  • Riders must be at least 18-years old, with no prior blacklists by the Road Transport Department (JPJ) or the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM).
  • Carriage boxes/cases must in accordance with JPJ guidelines.
  • All riders must adhere to “Contactless Transaction” guidelines where possible, wear a facemask and regularly sanitize hands after deliveries.
  • Riders are to sanitize/ disinfect carrying boxes/ cases daily in accordance with guidelines set by the Ministry of Health (KKM).
  • Riders are not to enter Red Zone areas, in accordance with limitations set by the National Security Council.
  • Delivery times are between 8.00 AM – 8.00 PM, type of goods and approved zonal areas of delivery subject to National Security Council.
  • Riders are advised not to use inter-state for deliveries exceeding 10km.
  • Riders are required to have at all times, authorisation letters from the employer and relevant local councils in which they operate.
  • All riders are required to register with the National Security Council’s mySejahtera app and present their registration upon request by authorities.
  • Should a rider contract symptoms and or be diagnosed with COVID-19, they are required to stop all deliveries and take immediate steps to self-quarantine and/ or seek medical treatment.
  • Employers or Companies of P-Hailing riders are required to give full cooperation to the Ministry of Health with Contact Tracing.

The Transport Ministry hopes that its new guidelines ensure better health and safety standards for P-Hailing riders and customers while boosting the trust customers have for the P-Hailing riders and services.

Grab, for instance, has introduced measures as providing face masks and hand sanitisers for drivers and riders, extending insurance coverage to all drivers and riders, educating riders on self-diagnosis and obtaining medical treatment, introduced a COVID-19 relief fund and providing KKM with 24/7 contact tracing support.


