Anwar: Traffic jams take a major toll on productivity of Malaysians 所有资讯 Sep Irran Halid | March 17日, 2023 Malaysia's Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, has stated what we all have been saying for how many years - traffic jams suck and affects ...
Damansara Link to remain closed until December 所有资讯 Nadia Nasharuddin | March 13日, 2023 Motorists travelling from Petaling Jaya towards Bangsar on the Sprint Highway have to endure the traffic congestion a little longer.The traffic ...
MCO 3.0 Roadblock On The Federal Highway - Traffic Backed Up For Hours 所有资讯 Ferdinand | May 08日, 2021 MCO 3.0 - PDRM earlier today set up a roadblock along the Federal Highway at the arch marking the KL-Selangor border. The four lanes were reduced to ...
CMCO Roadblock and Road Closure Updates: Kota Damansara Road Closures Opened Up 所有资讯 Adam Aubrey | October 15日, 2020 We're into the third day of this CMCO (conditional control movement order) now, and for those of you who are still moving around going to work and ...
VIDEO: Motorcyclist Gets Stuck Between Vehicles While Lane Splitting 所有资讯 Chris Aaron | June 02日, 2015 Lane splitting: an occurrence more common in Malaysia than it is in many parts of the developed world, that involves motorcyclists that split ...