JPJ Offering 70% Discount On All Summonses During Merdeka Month 所有资讯 Ferdinand | July 29日, 2020 Dengan laungan Merdeka! Merdeka! sekali lagi kita bebas daripada tanggungjawab membayar penuh saman JPJ dan SPAD.In an early Merdeka and Hari Raya ...
Amendments Of Laws To Regulate Uber And Grab To Be Finalized Soon 所有资讯 Eric | March 31日, 2017 Amendments of two laws to regulate ride-sharing apps, in particular Grab and Uber are expected to be given the greenlight, according to the Minister ...
2016 Proton Saga 1.3 Clear For Taxi Duty 所有资讯 Kon | October 17日, 2016 The Proton Saga serving taxi duty is one of the most familiar sights on Malaysian roads, and the new one is set to continue this honoured duty in due ...
Uber VS Taxi: New twist as Khazanah invests in Uber 所有资讯 Gokul | January 26日, 2016 The never-ending drama between Uber and taxi operators in Malaysia took a surprising new twist earlier today, as state-owned investment arm Khazanah ...
SPAD Wants To Hear Your Say About Ride Sharing Apps Like Uber And GrabCar 所有资讯 Jim Kem | November 27日, 2015 Alright, so it’s a survey, so you can select from a few answers someone already crafted earlier. So while the spectrum of opinion can only vary so ...
SPAD Chairman Dismisses Yesterday’s Taxi Drivers Rally As Noise Makers, Police To Make Arrests 所有资讯 Jim Kem | November 19日, 2015 Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar is cited as one, if not the main reason for the protest gathering of taxi drivers at Padang Merbok yesterday. The SPAD ...
Taxi Drivers By The Thousands Plan To Converge On KL Streets In Protest Tomorrow 所有资讯 Jim Kem | November 17日, 2015 As we have reported before, taxi drivers under the Malaysian Taxi Drivers Transformation Association (Pers1m) and other taxi organisations are ...
SPAD Says It Has New Innovations In Store To Get Taxis Back On Track 所有资讯 Jim Kem | November 11日, 2015 Various taxi innovations will be implemented in due course by the Land Public Transport Commission with the intent to improve the overall taxi ...
Services Like GrabCar And Uber Only For Licensed Vehicles, Dewan Rakyat Told 所有资讯 Jim Kem | October 29日, 2015 A further development in the spar between authorities and ride sharing apps had occurred yesterday when the Dewan Rakyat was told that only licensed ...
Thousands Of Taxi Drivers Planning To Gather In Protest Of SPAD Chairman Come November 18 所有资讯 Jim Kem | October 22日, 2015 If a statement by the Malaysian Taxi Drivers Transformation Association (Pers1m) is to be believed, taxi drivers will gather in the thousands to hold ...
SPAD On Taxi Drivers: Stop Wasting Time Protesting Uber, GrabCar And Improve Services 所有资讯 Jim Kem | October 12日, 2015 The ongoing conflict involving taxi drivers has, so far, not seeing much by way of long-term resolution. And the Land Public Transport Commission is ...
Revised LRT, Monorail Fares To Be Announced By End Of The Month 所有资讯 Jim Kem | October 09日, 2015 The fare revision that were reported to be on the books looks to be taking shape, with the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) set to announce ...
VIDEO: Taxi Drivers Ambush And Attack Uber, GrabCar Vehicles During KLCC Pickup 所有资讯 Jim Kem | October 09日, 2015 The tensions between factions of disgruntled taxi drivers against ride-sharing app's drivers and users are steadily rising. Most recently, a couple ...
SPAD: Think Before Supporting Uber 所有资讯 Gerard | October 08日, 2015 Following the creation of the ‘Save Uber Malaysia’ petition, Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) Chairman, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar, today ...
'Save Uber Malaysia' Petition Started, Urges Regulation Instead Of Strict Crackdown 所有资讯 Gerard | October 07日, 2015 With the recent crackdown on ride sharing services including Uber and GrabCar in Malaysia, a group known as ‘Uber Supporter Malaysia’ has started an ...
SPAD Still On The Fence On Banning Or Regulating Ride-Sharing Services 所有资讯 Jim Kem | October 07日, 2015 The Land Public Transport Commission has been juggling decisions on whether or not to outright ban or to take steps to begin regulating ride-sharing ...
SPAD To Target Private Vehicle Owners Offering Uber Rides By Preventing Road Tax Renewal 所有资讯 Gerard | October 05日, 2015 The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) will utilise a new method to nab private car owners or drivers that offer illegal taxi services using the ...
GrabCar Responds To Taxi Driver Ambush Incident 所有资讯 Gerard | October 01日, 2015 Following an ambush set up by taxi drivers during yesterday’s protest at the Land Public Transport Commission‘s (SPAD) headquarters in Kelana ...