Pay For Your Petron Fuel Using WeChat Pay


WeChat Pay and Petron have announced a collaboration allows motorists to pay for fuel using their WeChat Pay Malaysia e-Wallet at close to 200 Petron stations, and gradually nationwide.

This is the first-of-its-kind e-Wallet payment method for fuel in Malaysia, in line with Petron’s commitment to promoting ease of transaction for its customers.

WeChat Pay is one of the most widely used payment methods in China and is gaining popularity in Malaysia. The e-Wallet only requires users to flash their phone at the counter, allowing for cardless or cashless transactions. WeChat Pay is an electronic money issuer approved by Bank Negara Malaysia.

WeChat Pay is available on Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems. All WeChat users who register an account with a Malaysian mobile number or Malaysian IP address can use the service without any additional charges. 

To use the WeChat Pay (Malaysia) services, a user must first bind their debit card (Mastercard or Visa) issued by a bank in Malaysia to their respective account. A user can top up his/her wallet balance using his/her debit card. Each account can be bound to one or more debit cards, but each debit card can only be bound to one WeChat account.

Bringing together this collaboration between Petron and WeChat Pay Malaysia is Revenue Monster – a payment solutions provider and appointed merchant acquirer in Malaysia to facilitate transactions.


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