
How to Check, Download, and Share Digital E-Road Tax with MyJPJ App


How to Check, Download, and Share Digital E-Road Tax with MyJPJ App

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check, download, share, and print your digital e-road tax (aka Digital Motor Vehicle License, or e-LKM) using the MyJPJ mobile app. It’s quick and easily accessible anytime, anywhere.

The days of struggling to peel off our road tax stickers and ruining our windscreen have finally come to an end, as the Ministry of Transport Malaysia has digitized road tax with the introduction of the MyJPJ app. This change was announced by Malaysia’s Minister of Transport, Anthony Loke, stating that private vehicle owners no longer need to display road tax stickers on their vehicles as long as they have it in their MyJPJ app or can provide a copy of the digitized road tax. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Additionally, vehicle owners can also renew their driving licenses in the MyJPJ app.

If you’re unsure how to get one for yourself, fret not, because you’ve come to the right place. Follow the step-by-step guide below, and we’ll show you how easy and quick it is to have one on your phone anytime, anywhere.


How to Register for the MyJPJ App

Before you can access and view your digital e-road tax, you’ll need to register an account on the MyJPJ app. If you already have an account and are logged in, please skip this part of the process and proceed to the next step.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Download the MyJPJ app.

  • Google PlayStore:


  • Apple App Store:

2. Click on ‘DAFTAR AKAUN BARU’.

3. Enter your no. MyKad / MyPR / MyKAS.

4. Enter the relevant information:

  • Full Name

  • Mobile Number

  • E-mail

5. Upon successful registration, a temporary password will be sent to your email.

6. Log in to the app using your User ID (MyKad number) and temporary password.

7. Select three (3) security questions to be answered.

8. Set your new password.

9. Log in to the MyJPJ app with your User ID and new password.



How to Access and View Your Digital Road Tax on the MyJPJ app?

After logging in to your MyJPJ, follow this simple step to find your digital roadtax:

1. Click ‘Profile’ or 'Profil' on the bottom right of the app.

2. Next, click on the ‘Motor Vehicle Licence’ or ‘Lesen Kenderaan Motor’.

3. Lastly, click on the vehicle’s registration number below to view the road tax digital JPJ.

4. Now that you have found your digital road tax, you can click the ‘Fullscreen View’ or ‘Paparan Penuh’ to view it in full screen.


How to Share Digital Road Tax with Other Users?


On 2 January 2024, the Ministry of Transport Malaysia (MOT) introduced the second phase of digitalization with enhanced features on the MyJPJ app. This includes the Digital Motor Vehicle License (e-LKM), or digital road tax Malaysia, which can be shared with other JPJ road tax app users via the 'Kongsi LKM' function. 

This feature allows vehicle owners to share the e-LKM within a time period set by them with other family members, friends, and anyone authorized, such as drivers.

To learn how to share your e-LKM, you may follow the instructions below:

Share as a LKM Owner

1. Click on ‘Profile’ or ‘Profil’

2. Click the ‘Motor Vehicle License’ or ‘Lesen Kenderaan Motor’ tab

3. Select and click the digital road tax you want to share

4. Click the ‘Share LKM’ or ‘Kongsi LKM’ button which is located at the bottom

5. Click the ‘plus sign’ button at the bottom right corner

6. Enter the recipient's IC number. The number will be used to verify via mySIKAP records

7. Enter the sharing period for the LKM in the ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’, or ‘Tarikh Mula’ and ‘Tarikh Akhir’

8. Press the ‘Send’ or ‘Hantar’ button

9. A confirmation message is displayed along with an Activation Code. The owner must provide this code to the recipient to activate the LKM in the recipient's MyJPJ app.



LKM Recipient

1. Click on ‘Profile’ or ‘Profil’

2. Click the ‘Motor Vehicle License’ or ‘Lesen Kenderaan Motor’ tab

3. The shared LKM will appear with a status of ‘inactive’ in the ‘Shared LKM’ or ‘LKM Dikongsi’ section

4. If the LKM is not showing in the list, click the ‘Refresh’ or ‘Jana Semula’ button

5. Select the LKM and enter the Activation Code provided by the LKM owner

6. Click ‘Send’ or ‘Hantar’

7. The LKM will be activated and available for use. If there are no changes in the status, click the ‘Refresh’ or ‘Jana Semula’ button


How To Download and Print a Copy of the Digital Road Tax?

Simply view your digital road tax in full screen and take a screenshot, which also means you're downloading a digital road tax into your phone as a copy. It should be clear enough to print a copy with any printer for your records.


That is all, quick and simple, isn’t it? In conclusion, the road tax digital JPJ is uniquely tied to the vehicle owner’s MyJPJ account. The purpose of this digitalization is to provide a convenient and effective way for vehicle owners to access their road tax without needing to display it on the windscreen. The same goes for the authorities whenever they need to perform a quick check on the owners’ license. As of today, this feature is only available to private vehicle owners with cars and motorbikes. We hope that JPJ will also extend this service to other types of vehicles in the near future.


