Top 10 Funny Malaysian Car Nicknames 汽车专题 Gokul | February 21日, 2020 Having a nickname is like having a belly – Most of us have one. Be it one of the common ones like “Bob”, “Panjang”, and “Kecik”, or some unique ones, ...
VIDEO: Brave Man Carries A Van Atop His Adamantium Ford Focus. Because Why Not? 所有资讯 Jim Kem | November 11日, 2015 Let's be clear from the get go, this was not the wacky result of an accident. There are conventional ways to transport a car, or in this case a ...
VIDEO: Karma Slaps Cyclist In The Face For Flipping Off MX-5 Driver 汽车专题 Chris Aaron | June 10日, 2015 It’s a little bit tricky to tell the full story here given the short footage, but we can assure you, it is a funny one.Cyclist ‘A’ is seen at the ...
VIDEO: What Would Furious 7 Look Like If The Stunts Were Realistic? 汽车专题 Jim Kem | May 12日, 2015 Deep down we know when we see things in movies that physics can’t be made to do or when the probabilities of failure are too high. What would our ...
Handbrake Turns Over Speed Bumps Don't End Well 汽车专题 Jim Kem | May 06日, 2015 What happens when you're driving along and see a speed bump a little too late? Do you panic? Or just calmly brake as much as you can and hope for the ...
VIDEO: Ouch! How Does This Much Car Damage Come From A Bicycle? 所有资讯 Jim Kem | March 13日, 2015 There have been altercations arising between two-wheel vehicle users and their four-wheeled comrades, each one detracting the other’s choice mode of ...