Lotus Tamatkan Pengeluaran Elise, Exige Dan Evora 所有资讯 Nabihah Md Rosdi | December 27日, 2021 Nampaknya era model Lotus Elise, Exige dan Evora sudah berakhir setelah kesemuanya ditamatkan pengeluaran. Model Elise mula diperkenalkan sejak ...
Forget Ferraris And Bugattis – These EV Hypercars Are Effectively The Fastest Cars In The World 汽车专题 Arvind | June 03日, 2021 In 2005, Bugatti under its new owners Volkswagen, unveiled the production version of the Bugatti Veyron 16.4. It took nearly six years and a ...
All-Electric Lotus Evija Open For Booking In Malaysia, RM 16 Million 所有资讯 Aswan | May 17日, 2021 It’s the most expensive Lotus yet, and it can be yours locally too.While it’s a little surprising to see that Malaysia is getting the most advanced ...
Lotus Cars Might Do Something No Other Traditional Carmaker Has Done Before 汽车专题 Arvind | April 30日, 2021 Lotus seems to be not just at the cusp of a renaissance of its business but also at the tipping point of becoming one of the most notable sportscar ...
Lotus To Completely Refresh Its Lineup This Summer Thanks To Geely's Financing 所有资讯 Aswan | January 27日, 2021 The Evija isn't the only thing that Geely's funding has allowed Lotus to greenlight. After what seems like ages of adjustment and lengthening, the ...