Economists criticize Malaysia's continuation of Approval Permit (AP) scheme for car imports 所有资讯 Adam Aubrey | July 26日, 2023 Economists are expressing their disapproval of the Malaysian government's decision to maintain the longstanding approved permit (AP) scheme for car ...
How To Export A Vehicle Into Malaysia With AP? 汽车专题 Adam Aubrey | April 08日, 2022 How do you export a vehicle into Malaysia with an AP? We list down how to do it! So, you have all the necessary paperwork and have put aside funds ...
How To Claim Your AP As A Malaysian? 汽车专题 Adam Aubrey | April 07日, 2022 Did you know that if you've worked or studied abroad for more than one year, you are eligible for an Approved Permit (AP) from the government of ...