Auto Industry Optimism Through The COVID-19 Fog 汽车专题 Jim Kem | March 24日, 2020 Here we are in late March 2020 in an uncertain world and, closer to home, we’re about a week into the Movement Control Order, all to curb the spread ...
Another Day, Another Lynk & Co Model 所有资讯 Adam Aubrey | December 16日, 2019 We can't get enough of Lynk & Co because number one - they are weird looking but in an exciting way, and two - because they are owned by the Geely ...
Training Programme for Jobseekers Seeking Auto Industry Employment 所有资讯 Kon | June 06日, 2016 Take it from us, the automotive industry is one of the most exciting fields anyone can hope to build a career in, especially if you’re a motoring ...