
AirAsia Wins 'Most Number of Complaints' For Airlines in Malaysia In 1H22


AirAsia Wins 'Most Number of Complaints' For Airlines in Malaysia In 1H22

AirAsia has received the most number of complaints against airlines in Malaysia, as reported by the Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM).

For the first half of 2022, a total of 42.1% of all aviation-related grievances were filed against AirAsia. They are now ahead of the 'game' followed by Malaysia Airlines at 40.7% and Batik Air at 7.9%. This was published in MAVCOM's 12th issue of its bi-annual consumer report.

airasia most complaints airline malaysia 2022

Over 1,200 complaints were filed in the first half of 2022

MAVCOM also stated in its report that a total of 1,251 complaints were registered where a whopping 99.1% of the said reports were against airlines and only 0.9% were about the airports. 

It was also reported that 87.9% of the total complaints were resolved and closed by the airlines, but only a quarter of those showed the customers receiving 'equitable or satisfactory resolutions'. We're guessing that the rest were 'problem settled but still tak puas hati'.

airasia most complaints airline malaysia 2022

46% of complaints on flight rescheduling & cancellations

The majority of the complaints were filed due to three major factors - flight rescheduling, flight cancellations, and online bookings. This accounted for 46.1% of the total complaints, or 577 in the first six months of 2022.

According to MAVCOM executive chairman, Datuk Seri Saripuddin Kasim, "As a proactive measure by MAVCOM, we have also been actively engaging aviation service providers to ensure that these issues are being addressed. Additionally, MAVCOM is working towards the enhancement of the Malaysian Aviation Consumer Protection Code (MACPC) to further protect air travellers and in continuing to empower them to exercise their rights."

Sep Irran Halid

Sep Irran Halid

Content Producer

Sep is a firm believer in the saying "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" rather than "When in doubt, throttle it out". Drive safely, ride defensively, and most importantly, don't get hangry.


