Worrying Sights Ahead Of KL City GP This Weekend, Here's Hoping All Is Fixed In Time

Auto News

With the big weekend already here, pretty much, we’re starting to see a few too many worrying sights being posted on social media, which makes us wonder if we're really ready for the big race weekend, and be hopefully of it all coming together nicely, at the same time.

Just this morning, a practise session was believed to be cancelled, as Malaysian motorsports hero Tengku Djan Ley wrote on his Instagram account, saying that the safety walls were still being put up, and the session was axed. Kudos for putting safety first and all, but hey, this is all a bit last minute, eh?


Yesterday, we ourselves were at an event at the Hotel Maya in Kuala Lumpur, where the circuit runs right in front of, and the sections of the track walls there were still being left to be assembled later on - we understand that builders were on site around the clock last night, with many still there and pushing to get it all together in time for the racing.


Worryingly, a few more images like this one (see above) is being shared on social media, of a fans stand that's levelled upright by a stack of wood pieces. Again, we hope all this is a temporary measure while those in charge find a more secure standing for it. This image was taken just this morning.


Here's another image (above) sent in by a spectator of the on-going patchwork happening on site, on the very day participating cars were due to take to the circuit for their first practice laps. Do remember that this is the first time any of the competing drivers will have driven around this street circuit, and daylight is already running low, and with heavy rains prevent many from proper testing this morning till noon.

UPDATE: Here's a new photo of the track post-rainfall. This doesn't look good at all.


With the heavy rains, another shortcoming of the circuit was revealed: fans in the surrounding stands have little shelter overhead - some none at all - which should make it difficult for them to catch the race tomorrow should it rain.

We do recommend that you come prepared with the right attire, shoes and umbrella, if you want to stay on through the rains.

All in, we really wish the KL City GP pulls through. The idea of it is rather brilliant - having race cars tear through our KL city's streets - but it’s starting to seem that the execution of it isn’t up to par. Having driven through some portions of the track yesterday, we can’t help but share the rushing adrenalin that’ll be coursing through the veins of every driver out there this weekend, and we really do hope it all comes together.

So, in all sincerity, we say: Come on KL, let’s smash this one out of the park.

Here’s more news to keep you up to date on the KL City Grand Prix:

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