Why You Should Wash Your Car Yourself
InsightsThe act of washing your car yourself has very nearly become extinct just like the Sumatran Rhino. But it shouldn’t be this way because there are many benefits and joys of washing your own car yourself. We list a few below:
1. The sense of achievement
If you’ve never ever washed your own car, you should try it because that feeling when it is clean and glimmers due to your own blood, sweat and tears gives you this happy sense of achievement. Some even sit down, crack open a cold one and stare at the car afterwards to marvel at its beautiful clean paint job.
2. You love your car more than anybody else
When you love something, you will care for it more than any person will. With this in mind, you will take the utmost care when it comes to washing your own car. You will probably use the best cleaning products for it, not like a lot of car washes where they use substandard products. When you wash your own car with quality products at least you know how you are treating your car's paint job.
3. Products
Speaking of products it is important that you do some research and use the best products based on your findings. Sometimes just because it is expensive doesn’t mean that it is the best product for you. There are many reviews on the net where you can find out more about a certain product and see whether it is for your car. The beautiful thing about having your own car care products is also that you get to keep tabs on how they react to your vehicle. If a certain washing formula doesn’t work, move on to the next one.
4. Cloth
A great cleaning cloth is the foundation of a good car wash. It can either make your life easier or harder. It can be the difference between having a good paint job and a bad one. Some car washes reuse the same cloth over and over again and do not clean it properly after using it repeatedly. If some grit is stuck on the cloth, you will surely damage the paint job. Make sure that the cloth you use is always clean and that no grit or dirt is present on it. Some cloth is better at dispelling grit and dirt whilst others are good at creating a home for it.
5. Exercise
Who needs to join the gym when you can just wash your car? It’s kind of like hitting two birds with one stone. On one side you get a clean car, whilst on the other, you get to have a little exercise. Your arms and upper body get a good work out.
6. Properly clean
Ever left those car washes and not feel completely happy with the job? That’s because every car has a different shape and some areas of the car like to house stubborn dirt more than others. Only the owner of the car would know where these places are, so why blame the cleaners when it is not fully clean?The saying ‘if you want something done right you got to do it yourself ‘comes into mind.