What A Pro-Driver Thinks of the Toyota Camry Hybrid
ReviewsOur friends at Roda Pusing have quite impressive CVs. Hisham Jahudi is an advanced driving instructor at MotoMassa Driver Training and a former racing driver who used to race at the Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race. Albakry Salehuddin on the other hand, is a trained automotive technician who started fixing TVRs before moving to Renault. Give him anything on wheels and he will be able to take it apart and put it back together.
Their recent video featuring the Toyota Camry Hybrid offers a simple-to-understand overview of how hybrids work – useful for first-time hybrid owners.
We will also be publishing our thoughts on the Camry Hybrid soon. Meanwhile, watch their video below. More videos at their Youtube channel at Roda Pusing.