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Vehicle age for taxis and e-hailing extended to 15 years

Auto News

Vehicle age for taxis and e-hailing extended to 15 years

The Land Public Transport Agency (APAD) has officially announced that the age limit for taxis and e-hailing vehicles has been increased or extended to 15 years.

It's indeed a good move from the previous 10-year limit to ensure that both the taxi and e-hailing industries can be sustained in a bid to improve the country's public transportation system.

taxi e-hailing vehicle age limit malaysia 2023

This new age ceiling for taxi and e-hailing vehicles will be applicable to those operating in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, and the Federal Territory of Labuan. However, there are a few conditions to follow.

One is that the car's previous maximum age limit of 10 has been reached starting 1 January 2023 and of course, complying with all the mandatory safety inspections and vehicle maintenance to ensure high levels of safety not only for the driver and occupants but also other road users as well.


Sep Irran Halid

Sep Irran Halid

Content Producer

Sep is a firm believer in the saying "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" rather than "When in doubt, throttle it out". Drive safely, ride defensively, and most importantly, don't get hangry.

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