Second Gen Mazda MX-5 Coupe Goes On Sale For Reasonable Price
Auto NewsIn a time when Toyota Supras and Nissan Skyline GT-Rs and Mazda RX-7s - cars which were made in fairly large numbers - go for ridiculous money, we find someone who is selling an ultra rare car for prices that are a little more sane. We're talking about the Mazda MX-5 NB Coupe, of which only 179 were made, and less than half were right hand drive such as this example.
Yes, we know that the MX-5s have optional hard-top covers available for convertible variants looking to go a little more solid roof. The difference here is that this second generation MX-5 had a fixed roof that was built into the chassis from the factory, which adds a wealth of stiffness to a fairly flimsy chassis. Of course it flies in the face of the MX-5 image a little, which is probably why Mazda didn't bother making a coupe variant for the NC and ND generations.
How much for this particular unit, located in Hong Kong? A mere 30,000 GBP, or RM 156,000. "But that's Supra money!", I hear you yelling from down there in your fanboy cave. It is as much as a second hand Toyota Supra, but this particular MX-5 is both far more rare and immaculate. Hong Kong is a tiny island and this coupe has just 48,000 kilometres on the clock, on top of having been fully rebuilt by the owner.
Being a 1.8-litre manual unit also adds intrinsic value to the car. Parts will be a rarity and expectedly expensive. You will get old uncles and college kids alike asking you what on earth this car is. But if you have the means and the money to purchase this ultra rare car, you'll own a small piece of unique Mazda history.