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Red Beacon Light On VIP Cars Banned In India

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Red Beacon Light On VIP Cars Banned In India

Public officials abusing their power isn't just limited to Malaysia. The trend is largely similar in India, though the Indian government has clamped down on political figures using red beacon light on their cars.

Come 1 May 2017, only emergency vehicles will be allowed to use the red beacon light. Politicians and government officials will need to crawl through traffic like everyone else.

“We are removing the rule which allows state and central government to specify who can use the red lights,” said Arun Jaitley. finance minister for India.

A couple of years back, an Indian supreme court ruled that the abuse of the red beacon light as a menace to society. Even criminals are known to install these red beacon lights to avoid police, as they know that police are unwilling to stop a car with red flashing light.

Ministers in India have gradually stopped using red beacon light, including Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of Delhi and respective chief miniters of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. 

Photo credit: BBC


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