Queue Cutting Which Leads To Silly Road Rage And Battered Bumpers
Auto NewsMother Teresa once said, “Without patience, we will learn less in life. We will see less. We will feel less. Ironically, rush and more usually means less”. Well, both the drivers caught in this dash cam recording perhaps lacked a lot of patience and we can only hope, that after incessant horn blaring and battered front bumpers, are now slightly wiser.
The incident allegedly starts at the exit ramp which leads to Jalan Pantai Baharu from the Federal Highway, KL bound, where the driver in the silver Mahindra SUV cuts the waiting queue from the outer lane. The driver of the ‘dash cam’ car clearly did not want to allow this – which results in a dicey game of chicken as both drivers jostle to command the lane once traffic starts moving.
From the recording, it’s easy to surmise there as a fair bit of paint swapping and swearing before the driver in the Mahindra decides to come to a dead stop in the middle of the road, not once but twice, which resulted in the second car ramming the rear end of the SUV.
The cat and mouse antics go on for another few hundred meters before the second car comes to a stop on the road shoulder.
To be unbiased, cutting the queue is a very inconsiderate thing to do, and sometimes can lead to situations such as these, but, should the second car have simply allowed the Mahindra to pass?
At least no one was hurt and the only things that were bruised were front bumpers and egos. You might want to turn down the volume for this one.