Need To Sell Your Car This MCO? CarlistBid Can Help!
Selling GuidesFor many of us, the introduction of the MCO has resulted in plenty of plans being laid to waste. From cancelled flights to postponed renovations, we’ve all had to make sacrifices when it comes to keeping in line with the government’s regulations in order to protect our loved ones. But what about selling your car? How do we go about that when we can’t travel more than 10 kilometres from our house? For that, CarlistBid can help.
The usual process is for us to inspect your car by appointment, where you provide your car grant, spare key, and AP (if you’re selling a recon car). You would need to then fill up a checklist on warranty info, validity of roadtax, service records, bank loan status, along with whether your spare key and car grant is available.
Once the inspection is complete, a recommended reserve price would be provided based on your car’s condition and you could choose to either direct sell to us, put it up for auction, or run it in our classifieds section.
Unfortunately, with the MCO in place a physical inspection is currently not possible – so we have adapted to ensure you can still sell your car if you need to. The process is fairly simple. You submit the information on the car you wish to put up for auction via our CarlistBid platform, and from there our Telesales team will provide you with a self-upload link where you can provide all the necessary documents and information – no contact necessary!
From here, it’s a matter of time to see what the bidding results are and to accept the bid price if one comes through that’s to your liking. All of the formalities like vehicle inspection will be conducted once the MCO lifts, as well as the finalized transaction price.
The best part is that we don’t have any transaction fees at all! We also offer runner services inclusive of door-to-door inspection, Puspakom B5 and B2 forms, JPJ ownership transfer, and renewing road tax that has expired for over a year – but all of this will only be necessary once the MCO is lifted.
So what are you waiting for? Head over to to start the process and our telesales team will get in contact with you as soon as possible. With more than 1500 trusted dealers and an average of 3 days to complete a sale, we’re sure we can help you find a new home for your vehicle!