Minimum Age For A Motorcycle License Should Be 21, not 16 - says CAP
Auto NewsThe Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) has expressed that it wants to urge the government to increase the minimum age for Malaysians to be eligible to obtain a motorcycle license from 16-years to 21-years of age.
Bernama reports that SM Mohamed Idris, CAP’s president, explained the reasoning behind the association’s push was because, given the inherent instability of the motorcycle, riders are the most vulnerable of road users.
He said motorcycles and their riders are 17 times more prone to accidents than those in cars because of their two-wheeled design, calling them “killer machines”.
During a press conference in George Town, he stated: "Each year, there are an average of 465,000 road accidents resulting in nearly 7,000 deaths and 60 per cent or 4,200 of the deaths are contributed by motorcyclists, with 40 per cent of them between 16 and 25 years of age,"
“Parents should not allow their children to ride motorcycles without a license.”
He added that, in addition, the imposing of a stricter training curriculum at driving schools should be put in place before students could be issued a license. They should also be taught defensive riding skills.