Malaysian Roads 12th Worst In The World - Even Mexico Has Better Roads!
Auto NewsMalaysia is in the very bottom half when it comes to road quality, according to driver education firm Zutobi.
Out of 59 countries, Malaysia has been ranked the 12th worst when it comes to road quality. The data was released by driver education firm Zutobi, based on a study titled 'Worst and Best Roads-US and International Ranking'.
According to the study, the quality of roads in Malaysia fell by more than 5% in the past five years but what's more alarming is that our roads recorded the second highest number of road deaths at 22.76 per 100,000 population. Only Arab Saudi has more.
"More than 22 road deaths per 100,000 people have occurred on highways in Malaysia, thus becoming the second highest number of deaths in the world after Saudi Arabia," said the report.
The same data shows that Kuwait is also listed as the country with the worst roads in the world, followed by Costa Rica, Georgia, Panama and New Zealand. Kuwait has the third highest number of road traffic deaths with 19 deaths per 100,000 population.
According to the report, our neighbours Singapore has the best road quality in the world as well as the lowest road death which is 1.69 per 100,000 population.
However, we're not bad at everything, as the report stated that Malaysia has the lowest number of alcohol-related road deaths at just 0.1%. We are however one of the more lenient countries when it comes to blood alcohol concentration levels for drivers, coming in at 50mg Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)/0.05% alcohol level on breathalyzer reading.
Just to put it into context, England has an 80mg Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)/0.08% alcohol level on breathalyzer reading, while Indonesia has 0 as they do not tolerate drunk driving at all.