Jaguar Land Rover Approved - Pre-Owned Vehicles

Auto News

‘APPROVED’ is Jaguar and Land Rover used vehicle program designed to cater to those who wish to have the same peace of mind as they would with a new vehicle.

It is designed specifically for Jaguars & Land Rovers less than five years old and with less than 96,000 kilometres at the time of purchase.


You can rest assured that with Approved, work is only ever undertaken by Jaguar & Land Rover Trained Technicians using genuine parts, approved tools, and diagnostic equipment.


There is a stringent checklist of 165 inspection processes in place that has to be followed. The inspection always includes paintwork, interior, a complete engine preparation, road test, and a final inspection before the vehicle is personally signed off by the Jaguar/ Land Rover Technician. All vehicles must pass all 165 checks to become Jaguar/ Land Rover Approved.

Each car sold by Approved comes with a warranty that covers you for a minimum of two years or 100,000 kilometres (whichever occurs first). This is only available through an authorised Jaguar/ Land Rover Retailer.


To review the latest list of vehicles available under the program please click on the link for Jaguar vehicles or this link for Land Rover vehicles. 


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