Isuzu Malaysia Confirms Its Models Are Compatible With B10 Biodiesel
Auto NewsIsuzu has confirmed that all its vehicles, including lorries as well as its D-Max pick-up and MU-X SUV are compatible with B10 biodiesel. This includes both old and new Isuzu models.
B10 biodiesel consists of 10 percent blend of palm oil. Currently, all diesel fuels sold in Malaysia are B7, with 7 percent blend of biodiesel – the maximum allowed by most manufacturers (unless confirmed otherwise), as increasing the mix of palm oil beyond 7 percent raises the question of compatibility with existing diesel vehicle’s fuel systems.
“All our existing models comply with biodiesel B10, following the government’s latest instructions,” said Chief Operating Officer Atsunori Murata at a media event today evening.
Since 1-February, all regular Euro 2M grade diesel is now B10. The higher grade Euro 5M diesel, however, will remain as B7.