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Hyundai Sends A Message To Space Using 11 Genesis Sedans

Auto News

Hyundai Sends A Message To Space Using 11 Genesis Sedans

Hyundai, in a surge of generosity and some inclination for chatter about their new Genesis sedan, has released a video telling the story of how they helped a girl who misses her dad send a message to him where she previously couldn’t. 

Stephanie is thirteen year old girl from Houston, Texas who doesn’t get to see much or spend time with her father as he works as an astronaut that is primarily based on the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth at staggering average speed of 27,600 km/h. Up there, there are extremely few open lines of communication despite being in close proximity to the satellites we rely on every day. 

Enter 11 Hyundai Genesis sedans and the vast expanse of the Delamar Dry Lake in the Nevada Desert where a large team from Hyundai gathered to, through a series of very precisely choreographed sequences, synchronously drive the cars in formation to create a message that can be seen from space. The end result is a remarkably accurate copy of the handwritten note that Stephanie wrote to her dad, but at a much larger scale. So large, in fact, that at 2.15 square miles, it garnered Hyundai a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest tire track image.

The video itself of the message taking form under the dramatic desert light while set to classical music is quite a spectacle to behold, and the knowledge that it helped connect father and daughter does warms the heart. Kudos to Hyundai for their clever and thoughtful approach to promote their new Genesis saloon. 


Jim Kem

Jim Kem

Content Producer

There's just something about cars. It's a conveyance, it's a liability, it's a tool; but it can also be a source of joy, pride, inspiration and passion. It's much like clothes versus fashion. And like the latter, the pursuit of perfection never ends.

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