Hyundai Humiliates One Unlucky Fan Who Ran His Mouth On Facebook
Auto NewsIn this day and age, people on social media feel that just because they're not face to face with someone, they can write whatever they so desire - however insulting or demeaning it can be. It's become such an embedded part of our culture, along with trolling which has even less charm to it. In some cases this can spiral out of control, and people can end up losing their jobs or having their lives threatened over something so trivial.
Well, Hyundai decided to show a particular fan that words do have consequences too. As they were sponsoring a match, they decided to invite a fan who wrote a comment mocking a particular football player. When asked to back up his claims, he fell flat on his face and had to sit in mild shame while watching the actual game go on. It goes to show that while we have freedom of speech, it doesn't necessarily mean we have freedom from consequence.