How To Claim Your AP As A Malaysian?


Did you know that if you've worked or studied abroad for more than one year, you are eligible for an Approved Permit (AP) from the government of Malaysia? 

What is AP?

APs are import licenses that are used to export vehicles back to Malaysia. They can be obtained from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) by filling and completing Form JK 69 (Pindaan) 9/84 before exporting the vehicle back to our shores.

Who is eligible for an AP?

Before thinking that you have the right to an AP, it's best to check out the bullet points down below to ascertain if you are entitled to one.

  • The vehicle must be registered in the name of the person returning and be owned for at least nine months.
  • Insurance on the vehicle for at least nine months must be in the name of the person returning home.
  • The owner/ driver must have a valid Full Driver's Licence during the ownership period of the vehicle (a Provisional Licence holder will not be allowed to take a car back to Malaysia).
  • Driver must have lived/ studied abroad for at least one year and will be returning home permanently.

How do you apply for an AP?

The AP application form can be purchased from Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, or any of its branches in Malaysia. If you're abroad, you may visit their website,

Your application must be accompanied by original or certified copies of :

  • Your Passport
  • Car registration documentation
  • Insurance certificate
  • If studying, university offer letter or working, an employer's letter which shows the period of employment outside Malaysia must be furnished.

The application must be made by the applicant only. MITI will not accept applications made by agents.

What about tax and duties?

Relevant import duties and excise taxes will be imposed according to Malaysia's current schedule. If you don't have the resources to pay for them, it's pointless to ship your car back to Malaysia as your car will be stuck in Port Klang indefinitely. With this in mind, it's best to know how much they are.

However, since the import duty and excise tax are updated from time to time, it is best to contact Malaysia's customs department for further information about Import Duty. Visit or contact the Royal Malaysian Customs Department at +603 7806 7200/ 7806 7599 (Call Centre).

 What's next after applying for an AP?

Well, it's of course the mission of how to import a car into Malaysia using your AP. Stay tuned as we'll bring you a follow-up piece on how to import your car into Malaysia. 

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AP Malaysia APPROVED PERMIT car import malaysia car export malaysia MITI



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