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GE15: Barisan Nasional promises to make EVs more affordable if they win the election

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GE15: Barisan Nasional promises to make EVs more affordable if they win the election

BN is trying to get EV lovers to vote for them by making EVs more affordable.

With just a little more than a week to go, the general election circus is fully underway, and many parties are starting to release their manifestos and promises ahead of the 15th General Election.

While some promises like public holidays and toll abolishment are somewhat uninspiring, one of the promises made by a particular party has managed to catch the attention of electric vehicle fans.

BN EV promise 2022

According to Barisan Nasional(BN) Chairman Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi, If BN wins the election, one of the things that they will do to make sure electric vehicles (EV) are more accessible to Malaysians is to abolish AP (Approved Permits) fees for EV importers.

Suppose BN do actually win the election and deliver this particular promise, in that case, this waiver of EV AP fees could potentially lower the prices of EVs in Malaysia, making them more affordable to the masses. 

Not only will the removal of the AP result in more affordable EVs, but it could also result in a wider variety of EVs entering the market, especially those cheaper ones from China and Korea. 

Ora R1 MalaysiaThe Ora R1 which has 300km of range is priced between RM37,894 – RM 49,300 in China

An AP is an import and export licence issued by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry to import vehicles into Malaysia.

Although this promise does sound interesting, there's no timeline mentioned for the abolishment of these EV AP fees, which does let the mind wonder whether it is an empty promise or just another gimmick to get people to vote for them.

Currently, the government is already giving exemption of AP fees for EV importers until 31st December 2023. During the tabling of Budget 2023, the government aims to extend the exemption of import tax and excise duties for EVs until 31st December 2024. 

Adam Aubrey

Adam Aubrey

Content Producer

Wants to live the simple life, especially when it comes to cars and bikes. That's what tech is for he reckons, to make motoring simpler

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