Bermaz Welcomes 126 New Graduates From Their Mazda Training Centre

Auto News

With the way our workforce and economy is going, in a couple of decades skilled labour is going to be in extremely high demand. The extreme push for students to work towards a degree or masters has resulted in an oversupply of graduates with degrees, and a lack of vocational school graduates who are equally skilled in a specific craft or trade. In many parts of Europe, vocational training is viewed as being on par with a college or university education, and vocational school trainees see internship placements even at top tier companies.

The sentiment is slowly but surely spreading here as well. The cost of tertiary education puts it out of reach for so many, and there's not much use going into severe debt for a piece of paper that doesn't even guarantee you a job. The Mazda Training Centre was established as part of the movement back to vocational education, or TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) programs. Their latest batch of 126 graduates will be entering the workforce soon, in various parts of Bermaz' after-sales network. 

Of the 126 students, 26 were from the Mazda Apprenticeship Program, 51 were from the Mazda Mechanic Program, and 49 were from the Body & Paint Program. The Mazda Training Centre is endorsed and accredited by Mazda Motor Corporation, the Institute of Motor Industry (IMI) UK, and our local Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK). The syllabus for the programs are also inspired by how Mazda Motor Corporation conducts their training, a combination of the Motor Vehicle Mechanic syllabus and Mazda Master Program. 

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