VIDEO: Selfish Driver Caught Hogging OKU Spot In Shah Alam
Berita KeretaThere's just something with Malaysians and parking.This is proved over and over again. Double parking, illegal parking. But you’d have to be one flat-out thick-skinned, selfish person to park in a disabled spot – then insist you have the right to park there just because it’s convenient.
That’s exactly what happened on the 16th of March in Kota Kemuning around 4pm. The incident occurred near a CIMB bank branch there where a man parked his gorgeous white F10 BMW 5 Series in a parking spot reserved for handicapped drivers (OKU - Orang Kurang Upaya) for at least 30 minutes according to the dialogue in the video. That’s when William Cheah, who was himself in crutches and nursing an injury at the time, spotted the wrongdoer and confronted him as he was about to leave.
*An English translation of the above is listed below
In the video, it's obvious that the driver first tried to act confused, then confirmed that he did know it was a disabled parking space, showing no shame for his actions. When told that it was wrong, the driver responded with some bogus excuse about it being just in front of the shop he was going to. Before he got in his car, he pretty much dared the video-taker to make a report. Obviously he doesn’t think there will be repercussions, let’s not allow that to happen.
We've managed to get in touch with Mr Cheah, who also wanted to share this:
"With all the comments coming in, I want to first share that this isn't a racial thing. We've got too many people of all races who disregard basic rules of driving over at Kota Kemuning.
"Secondly, many of the people in the community are sick and tired if this, but we keep quiet about it. We turn a blind eye or just accept it.
"Maybe it's time we did a little bit more for our community by saying it's not ok anymore."
On the matter of the vehicle involved, Mr Cheah was also considerate enough to comment on this personal FB page that, "I would like to make one thing clear. It's a great car. Nothing to do with this person ya. I know alot of people who drive BMWs but are extremely courteous and considerate." Right on!
Mr Cheah, we salute your courage and attitude towards individuals who feel they're above the law like these. Well done sir.
English Translation of Conversation:
Good Samaritan: Bro, you know this is an OKU (disabled-only) spot right?
Baddie: Huh?
GS: You know this is a parking spot for OKU only, right?
Baddie: Disabled parking?
GS: Yes, disabled-only parking.
Baddie: Yeah. I parked in front of this shop.
GS: For half an hour?
Baddie: Yeah, I know.
GS: You know that that isn’t right, right?
Baddie: Yeah, I know it’s not right.
GS: I want to ask you about that, can’t I do that?
Baddie: Earlier there was no parking around.
GS: No, I saw you deliberately park here, I saw you.
Baddie: So? Do you have a problem now? Do we have a problem?
GS: I have a problem with it.
Baddie: You got a problem, report la (“la” is a common Malaysian slang to end sentences with).
GS: Oh I will, I will. I’ve recorded everything and I’m going put it up.
Baddie: You want to complain, you complain. Don’t talk so much about it.
GS: I can’t talk about it? Bro, you’re scared I'll talk? You did a wrong thing, and you want to rush away?
*Driver turns out of parking spot, GS follows
Baddie: *mumbles something*
GS: What? What did you say? I can’t hear you?
Baddie: *stops and opens car door* Huh? What? What’s the problem?
GS: What did you say? I didn’t hear you.
Baddie: *closes the door and drives away*