Toyota Alphard Is Now The Best MPV To Buy

Panduan Pembeli

If one were to ask "Which is Malaysian's favourite MPV?" The answer has got to be the Toyota Alphard. 

Bear with me first if you'd like to shout Avanza or Alza. The thing is, there's a stark difference between things you want to buy versus things you're forced to buy.

Of course there are cheaper and better things like a RM4.50 'Special' Ramly Burger against that from TGIF which costs 5 times more and tastes 5 times less. 


And you know what, we were equally shocked that the much beloved, Dato & Datin riding, rich & famous lugging - epitome of what is essentially a living room on wheels - Toyota Alphard, now costs the same as a Toyota Avanza.

As we all know there's a stark difference between the quality of a Toyota Camry against that of the Vios, the same equation happens here too.

These luxury MPVs are just built to last, and eternally reliable and cheap to maintain compared to entry level MPVs. 

Would you pick a brand new MPV or an Alphard that falls within your budget? Let us know. 



Tag Berkaitan

Alphard avanza Best MPV Best MPV Malaysia Toyota toyota alphard Toyota Avanza Vellfire


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