Road-Rage At The Extreme Level: Watch A Man Threaten A Family With A Chainsaw!
Berita KeretaYou’ve heard many cases of road-rage before but this has to be the most extreme of them all. This takes place in Quebec, Canada and it shows a man threatening a family with a CHAINSAW! A freaking CHAINSAW!
The story behind this terrifying scenario starts with Karine Cyr who lives in L’Épiphanie, Que and was travelling on vacation with her family that included her husband, Alexandre Hermenier at wheel along with their two children in the back seat.
Cyr said the chainsaw-wielding driver had cut them off and was driving erratically, which prompted her husband to follow the vehicle to get the license plate number so they could notify the police of where the crazy driver was heading.
However, they soon ended up on a dead-end road and Hermenier parked his car, blocking the other vehicle from leaving. That’s when things went crazy and the driver got out of his car and threatened them with a chainsaw.
Thankfully, no one was hurt during the scary ordeal but Cyr did say that in hindsight, the situation could have been handled differently.
"Everyone will react differently, but I would like to say that if you see dangerous driving, do not follow the driver — the mistake that we made with two children in the back seat. We regret it tremendously. If it happens to you, pull over and just call police,” she said.
The man has since been arrested by the police and will face charges of assault with a weapon.