PROTON ahead of schedule

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PROTON on 16 April made a pledge to deliver 60,000 face shields to our frontliners in hospitals all across Malaysia. This was estimated to take 20 days to complete.

Fast forward 14 days, they've under-promised and over-delivered as all 60,000 face shields are expected to be delivered by today. 

“PROTON would like to say thank you to our volunteer staff who worked tirelessly to complete production of the face shields ahead of schedule. We would also like to acknowledge, Pos Logistics Berhad, for doing an excellent job delivering them and HICOM-Teck See Manufacturing for donating the material to produce the frame." said Dato’ Radzaif Mohamed, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of PROTON. 

A second-phase of a further 60,000 face shields will commence on 4 May which is to be distributed to other branches of the COVID-19 frontline such as the police (PDRM), armed forces (ATM) and other service industries. 

PROTON expect the production of the second-phase to be completed by 9 May. 

We at Carlist would like to extend our gratitude to the volunteers who have stepped forward to assist PROTON in this noble cause. Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga from us to you. 

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Proton COVID-19 face shield MCO Malaysia PDRM ATM


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