GST, HVGT, could resurface as part of Budget 2025 alongside RON95 rationalisation, says RHB analyst. Are we ready?
Utama Berita Berita Kereta Pos Malaysia Resumes Road Tax And Driving License Renewals Starting August 9 Pos Malaysia Resumes Road Tax And Driving License Renewals Starting August 9 Berita Kereta Jim Kem | August 09, 2021 10:00 AM Pos Malaysia has announced that it will resume road tax and driving license renewals at all post offices nationwide from Monday (Aug 9), though this will be on appointment basis only. In a statement released on Saturday, August 7th, Pos Malaysia said that customers will be able to make a booking for an appointment through their Outlet Finder feature at Alternatively, this can also be done via Pos Malaysia's mobile app starting Sunday, August 8th. Due to lockdown restrictions and SOPs, no walk-in customers will be allowed and that pre-arranged appointments are necessary to ensure maintain safety by controlling the flow of people in their premises, especially with road tax and driving license renewals possibly leading to overcrowding. In the same statement, they mentioned that while customers are allowed to make appointments during business hours, they will only be allowed one slot per day and to perform a maximum of three transactions per appointment. Of course, each customer is expected to adhere to all currently enforced standard operating procedures, including having a face mask on at all times, observing social distancing, performing temperature checks as needed, and checking in via the MySejahtera app. ✕ Mari berhubung dengan Whatsapp Kami mematuhi Akta Pelindungan Data Peribadi untuk melindungi anda Saya bersetuju dengan Terma Penggunaan dan Polisi Privasi Saya bersetuju untuk menerima komunikasi yang diperibadikan daripada dan penjual kereta, ahli gabungan dan rakan kongsi perniagaannya. Lihat tawaran kereta terbaik! Prev Next Tawaran istimewa - hubungi sekarang! Hari Jam Hrg. Psrn. Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. I Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. Tag Berkaitan Pos Malaysia Road Tax Renewal driving license CDL Appointment SOP MySejahtera NRP Cetak Jim Kem Content Producer There's just something about cars. It's a conveyance, it's a liability, it's a tool; but it can also be a source of joy, pride, inspiration and passion. It's much like clothes versus fashion. And like the latter, the pursuit of perfection never ends. Berita Berkaitan Road Tax Renewal Exemption Extended Until 31st May 2021 Berita Kereta Arvind | March 31, 2021 Transport Minister Dr. Wee Ka Siong has announced that private vehicle owners with road tax or driver’s license expiring from Feb 1st to March 31st ... Penduduk di kawasan PKPD Dibenarkan Keluar Untuk Suntikan Vaksin Berita Kereta Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | July 12, 2021 Bagi menjelaskan kekeliruan yang berlaku sebelum ini, kerajaan telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa sesiapa yang tinggal di dalam kawasan Perintah ... Lockdown 3.0: How To Renew Driving License Online In Malaysia Buku Panduan Pengguna Jim Kem | June 21, 2021 We’re now fully in this FMCO, or ‘total lockdown’, so first of all we hope you’re staying safe and staying at home as much as possible. However, we ... 3.8 Million Malaysian Cars Still Driving With Expired Road Tax Berita Kereta Jim Kem | November 29, 2021 If the matter had slipped your mind over the course of the majority of 2021, it might be a good time to verify if your car(s) have had their road tax ... Komen
Pos Malaysia Resumes Road Tax And Driving License Renewals Starting August 9 Berita Kereta Jim Kem | August 09, 2021 10:00 AM Pos Malaysia has announced that it will resume road tax and driving license renewals at all post offices nationwide from Monday (Aug 9), though this will be on appointment basis only. In a statement released on Saturday, August 7th, Pos Malaysia said that customers will be able to make a booking for an appointment through their Outlet Finder feature at Alternatively, this can also be done via Pos Malaysia's mobile app starting Sunday, August 8th. Due to lockdown restrictions and SOPs, no walk-in customers will be allowed and that pre-arranged appointments are necessary to ensure maintain safety by controlling the flow of people in their premises, especially with road tax and driving license renewals possibly leading to overcrowding. In the same statement, they mentioned that while customers are allowed to make appointments during business hours, they will only be allowed one slot per day and to perform a maximum of three transactions per appointment. Of course, each customer is expected to adhere to all currently enforced standard operating procedures, including having a face mask on at all times, observing social distancing, performing temperature checks as needed, and checking in via the MySejahtera app. ✕ Mari berhubung dengan Whatsapp Kami mematuhi Akta Pelindungan Data Peribadi untuk melindungi anda Saya bersetuju dengan Terma Penggunaan dan Polisi Privasi Saya bersetuju untuk menerima komunikasi yang diperibadikan daripada dan penjual kereta, ahli gabungan dan rakan kongsi perniagaannya. Lihat tawaran kereta terbaik! Prev Next Tawaran istimewa - hubungi sekarang! Hari Jam Hrg. Psrn. Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. I Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. Tag Berkaitan Pos Malaysia Road Tax Renewal driving license CDL Appointment SOP MySejahtera NRP
Tawaran istimewa - hubungi sekarang! Hari Jam Hrg. Psrn. Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. I Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik.
Road Tax Renewal Exemption Extended Until 31st May 2021 Berita Kereta Arvind | March 31, 2021 Transport Minister Dr. Wee Ka Siong has announced that private vehicle owners with road tax or driver’s license expiring from Feb 1st to March 31st ...
Penduduk di kawasan PKPD Dibenarkan Keluar Untuk Suntikan Vaksin Berita Kereta Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | July 12, 2021 Bagi menjelaskan kekeliruan yang berlaku sebelum ini, kerajaan telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa sesiapa yang tinggal di dalam kawasan Perintah ...
Lockdown 3.0: How To Renew Driving License Online In Malaysia Buku Panduan Pengguna Jim Kem | June 21, 2021 We’re now fully in this FMCO, or ‘total lockdown’, so first of all we hope you’re staying safe and staying at home as much as possible. However, we ...
3.8 Million Malaysian Cars Still Driving With Expired Road Tax Berita Kereta Jim Kem | November 29, 2021 If the matter had slipped your mind over the course of the majority of 2021, it might be a good time to verify if your car(s) have had their road tax ...