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Police taking action on illegal parking in KL

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Police taking action on illegal parking in KL

The Kuala Lumpur traffic investigation and enforcement department (Jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik or JSPT) are cracking down on illegal parking all over KL.

Its latest Op Halangan is currently focusing on clamping down on folks who just love to park illegally on road shoulders, restricted areas, and even some cases that obstruct traffic. That's definitely a big no-no in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

"I'm only parked here for five minutes, sir"

jspt kl pdrm op halangan*Image credit: JSPT KL

Yes, that's the usual answer that the officers involved in Op Halangan have received according to DSP Mohd Fadzil Bin Mohd Yatim, JSPT KL's enforcement staff officer. Even if it was only five minutes, it's still enough to cause massive congestion, especially on major roads.

The Op Halangan operations focused on high-traffic areas within the heart of Kuala Lumpur such as Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Changkat, Jalan Alur, and around the Bukit Bintang area. These locations were highlighted based on the number of complaints filed by the public regarding illegal parking.

Respect the law, public, and traffic

jspt kl pdrm op halangan*Image credit: JSPT KL

Other offences pertaining to the matter included stopping for too long which resulted in obstructing traffic and causing road congestion, parking on roads with yellow lines, and more.

Through this operation, JSPT KL hopes that the road users within KL can learn to be more aware and 'disciplined' when it comes to where they choose to park their cars. Rule of thumb? If you're parked somewhere and noticed that a lot of drivers are honking at you, then you're not meant to be parked there. Use your head, people!

Sep Irran Halid

Sep Irran Halid

Content Producer

Sep is a firm believer in the saying "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" rather than "When in doubt, throttle it out". Drive safely, ride defensively, and most importantly, don't get hangry.

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