PETRONAS PRIMAX - The secret of the two-time Formula One champions


It’s the secret of the two-time Formula One™ champions. PETRONAS PRIMAX is Formula One™ engineering that's been tested on tracks, and proven on the road. 

Should you care about what happens on track?

Yes, because it's an advanced laboratory – where our engineers work alongside some of the world's best, to develop fuels that maximize the potential of engine designs – which are developed to take advantage of the capability of the fuels and vice versa.

It's a collaborative process – where a change in the fuel is what makes it possible to design an engine to do more – in this case, make the most of a fuel engineered to deliver superior efficiency and acceleration.

Continuous improvement and development of the fuels on the track leads to the superior engineering that is in the fuels that you and I use in our vehicles, on the road. Today, we can experience the superior efficiency of PETRONAS PRIMAX 95, or the superior acceleration of PETRONAS PRIMAX 97.

This is why we say it is Formula One™ engineering for everyone.

It's their winning formula. And it's for you to enjoy, at PETRONAS stations today.

Formula One ™ Engineering For Superior Efficiency

PETRONAS PRIMAX 95 with Advanced Energy Formula, cleans, creates finer fuel spray and reduces friction for fuel economy. The efficiency of this fuel has been proven on track, helping the MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS F1 Team win, even when they're using 30% less fuel than before.


  • Cleans the Engine - Optimises fuel delivery by cleaning and protecting critical injector and engine parts.
  • Creates Finer Fuel Spray - Enhances energy release by improving fuel atomisation for better fuel combustion
  • Reduces Friction - Minimised energy loss by lubricating the cylinder wall and refreshing the engine oil’s surface active ingredients

Formula One™ Engineering For Superior Acceleration

The first EURO 4M compliant RON 97 fuel in Malaysia, PETRONAS PRIMAX 97 with Advanced Energy Formula has low sulphur content, and it protects critical engine parts, has a base fuel that's formulated for better combustion and it reduces friction to improve drivability. Engineered to deliver superior acceleration – it powered the MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS F1 Team to their second world championship.

  • Protects Engine - Prevents damage to fuel injectors & sulphur sensitive emission systems
  • Better Combustion - Optimised base fuel formulation, enhances energy release
  • Improves Drivability - The world’s first new chemistry that reduces friction & refreshes engine oil lubricating properties

To discover more about the winning formula of PETRONAS Primax, visit

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