No, You Don’t Have To Pay A Fee To Use Window Tints, Unless You Want Blacked-Out "VIP Spec" Windows
Berita KeretaTransport Minister Anthony Loke made a statement yesterday that a fee will soon be imposed on those seeking to have car window tints above the allowable limit, according to a report by The Star.
However, many have mistunderstood the announcement by MoT, assuming that all vehicle owners who want to install window tints must pay a fee from next year onwards.
Currently, the law allows tints with at least 70% Visible Light Transmission (VLT) for the windscreen, 50% for front passenger windows, and 30% for the rear passenger windows and rear windscreen.
So, as long as your vehicle’s tinting follows the abovementioned standards, there is no need to pay a fee or to get an approval.
But those who want to use window tints darker than the allowed limits will have to submit a CG1 application form to the Road Transport Department (JPJ) for an approval. Only if the application is approved, can they pay a fee and proceed with their “VIP spec” blacked-out tinting.
“There is no automatic approval as they must be eligible to use the tint and apply for it and pay a fee,” said Loke. He also added that exemptions will be given to vehicle owners who need to utilise a darker tint because of medical conditions.
It is said that this is part of the Road Transport (Amendment) Bill 2018 which Loke tabled in Parliament yesterday (Dec 10), which is expected to be passed and gazetted for implementation by January next year.
So, if you happen to be one of those who are freaking out after reading BFM’s tweet yesterday which said “vehicle owners will likely have to start paying for tinted glass window use by early next year” which sounded like everyone and anyone who wishes to install window tinting will have to pay a fee, there’s no need to be upset, as the fee is only for those who want window tinting that is darker than the allowed specifications.