Proton & Perodua still meet national car manufacturer criteria - MITI Berita Kereta Sep Irran Halid | March 15, 2023 The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has stated that both Proton and Perodua are still eligible to be treated as national car ...
MARii Announces A New Policy To Accelerate EV Industry Berita Kereta Arvind | May 20, 2021 During a roundtable with the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the CEO of Malaysia Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute (MARii) Dato ...
Thailand Mulls Overhauling Excise Duties To Boost EV Car Sales Rencana Arvind | December 17, 2020 The Thai Excise Department is considering a total revamp of the automotive excise duty tax structure to boost the sales of EVs and reduce the ...
What We Hope For In The Revised NAP 2020 Rencana Aswan | July 28, 2020 Our National Automotive Policy that was launched earlier in the year was a bit of a rush job – but they’ve been given a chance to do it over.Thanks ...
Tan Chong Motor Assembly Given An RM180 Million Bill By Customs Department Berita Kereta Arvind | May 28, 2020 The Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) has dropped a whopping RM180.11 million bill to Tan Chong Motor Assemblies (TCMA) for excise duties due ...
MITI Mulling A National Automotive Council Berita Kereta Arvind | March 04, 2020 While officiating a joint press event between MITI and the Malaysian Automotive Robotics and IOT Institute (MARii), Deputy Secretary YBhg. Dato' Sri ...
MITI x MARii - Growth Expected In 2020 For Automotive Sector Berita Kereta Arvind | March 04, 2020 The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), together with the Malaysian Automotive Robotics and IOT Institute (MARii) have announced ...
NAP 2020: What Do the "Rakyat" Want to See? Rencana Gokul | February 24, 2020 The new National Automotive Policy (NAP 2020) was just announced last week after much anticipation, and as we expected, it raised more questions than ...
NAP 2020: A Roadmap To More Questions? Berita Kereta Arvind | February 21, 2020 The National Automotive Policy (NAP) 2020 has officially been launched. The NAP 2020 essentially expands on the guidelines of the outdated NAP 2014 ...