MOT assembles Digital Advisory Committee to help with digitisation push
Berita KeretaMinistry of Transport (MOT) has announced a Digital Advisory Committee (DAC) to help them with their big digitisation push.
It seems that there is a big focus on digitisation over at the Ministry of Transport (MOT), and the latest push to ensure that everything goes smoothly is to ensemble a committee consisting of people with plenty of experience in the area.
According to a posting on Anthony Loke's official Facebook page, leading ICT experts have been identified to assist the Ministry of Transport’s digitisation push.
It says on the posting that the Ministry of Transport is pleased to announce the Digital Advisory Committee (DAC), which will bring together leading Information and Communications Technology (ICT) experts from various industries to assist the ministry’s digitisation efforts.
The DAC will provide their expertise to enhance service stability, cybersecurity and user experience for the Ministry of Transport’s digitisation initiatives.
The best thing about the ensembled personnels is that they will serve on a pro-bono basis at no cost to the government.
The five committee members have vast experience in the area of technology and digital transformation with diverse industry backgrounds including from the administrative, regulatory, banking, telecommunication and cybersecurity sectors.
The five members are:
Dato Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi (Chairman), who served as the chairperson and CEO of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) from 2011 to 2014.
Chu Hong Keong, who has over 30 years of experience in the banking and telecommunication industry with expertise in banking technology, e-business, digital transformation and fraud management.
Dato Dr. Suhazimah binti Dzazali, who served as the Deputy Director-General (ICT) and the Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) in the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU).
Fong Choong Fook, the Executive Chairman of LGMS Berhad, the leading publicly listed cyber security firm in Malaysia.
Afzal Abdul Rahim, a technology entrepreneur who currently serves as the Commander-in-Chief of TIME dotCom with experience in telecommunications and data centres.