Missing Records Of AES Summonses For Two Speeding Supercars

Live Life Drive

The Ministry of Transport is unable to find records of two AES (automated enforcement system) summonses that were supposed to be issued for a speeding Maserati Gran Turismo and an unnamed Ferrari model.

This was revealed in a parliamentary written reply by the acting minister of transport Dato Seri Hishammuddin to a query raised by Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching.

On November 8 2012, the Nanyang daily newspaper reported that AES had a captured a Maserati Gran Turismo travelling at 268 km/h in Kajang and an unnamed Ferrari model that was driven at 243 km/h at the Slim River stretch of the North-South Highway. The daily also quoted assistant director of enforcement Ahmad Nasir Abdul Gani who confirmed the report and went on to say that JPJ will issue the summonses to the drivers as soon as possible.

According to a report by Malaysiakini yesterday, Teo also raised the question as to whether were these two summonses intentionally deleted or was the story fabricated to justify the implementation of AES.

Teo told Malaysiakini "So, my first question is whether the RTD (JPJ) is capable of keeping a correct record on the AES? An RTD assistant director was quoted, yet the transport minister now claims that there was no such record. Was the record deleted for some unknown reasons?"

"Or perhaps, the story of the Maserati and Ferrari was fabricated to justify the implementation of AES?

"The implementation of AES never received a warm welcome from the general public. Could the story have been created to add weight to its implementation?" asked the DAP lawmaker.

Presently, the controversial AES is still active in 14 locations in spite of an announcement by the Attorney-General Chambers (AGC) that it will freeze all court proceedings related to AES summonses until all legal concerns raised are clarified.

In an earlier written reply by Hishammudin to Seputeh MP Teresa Kok on July-1, the acting minister said "The drivers who incur AES summons still need to pay the summons even though the charging of AES offenders in courts has been suspended.

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AES Ferrari Government maserati


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