GST, HVGT, could resurface as part of Budget 2025 alongside RON95 rationalisation, says RHB analyst. Are we ready?
Utama Berita Berita Kereta Lockdown 3.0: Travel Approval Permit Only Issued From 6 Ministries Or Agencies Lockdown 3.0: Travel Approval Permit Only Issued From 6 Ministries Or Agencies Berita Kereta Adam Aubrey | July 12, 2021 04:58 PM The travel approval permits can only be given by these ministries or agencies. Starting from 8 June 2021, PDRM will only accept approval letters from six ministries and certain agencies for those who need to bypass roadblocks to travel to and from their workplace. "The public is reminded to submit the documents issued by the ministries or agencies that have been listed when going through the roadblocks and those who fail to do so or found using a fake letter will be subject to stern action under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342)," said, Inspector-General, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah in a statement reported by The Edge. These ministries and agencies are: International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) Transport Ministry Agriculture and Agro-Industry Ministry Plantation Industries and Commodities Ministry Communications and Multimedia Ministry Home Ministry and all its agencies Local authorities Bank Negara Malaysia Securities Commission of Malaysia Malaysian Rubber Board Police Sani also said that letters must be dated from June 1 and those that were issued before that date will be rejected. PDRM will only issue travel permits for self-employed individuals such as plumbers, traders and maintenance workers and those who would like to cross state or district borders for emergencies and deaths. PDRM will also give one-off approval letters for non-essential workers that need to go to the office to carry out unavoidable company procedures such as payroll or to prepare documents. An employer’s letter must be prepared as proof and the approval letter will only last for a few days. Hawkers, small-time traders or food trucks may use letters from their local councils, but operating licences for those in strata management, waste and sanitation will be issued by MITI. Approval letters for legal firms with 20% workforce will be issued by the Prime Minister's Department's Legal Affairs Division through MITI and legal practitioners who need to attend court to represent their clients in new cases will need to produce printed documents or the legal firm's letter at roadblocks. For more latest car news, reviews, car buying guides and videos visit us at Auto News. Check out all the best new & used car deals in Malaysia at Sell your car fast with the best offer? Visit us at Get your latest new car promotion here also. ✕ Mari berhubung dengan Whatsapp Kami mematuhi Akta Pelindungan Data Peribadi untuk melindungi anda Saya bersetuju dengan Terma Penggunaan dan Polisi Privasi Saya bersetuju untuk menerima komunikasi yang diperibadikan daripada dan penjual kereta, ahli gabungan dan rakan kongsi perniagaannya. Lihat tawaran kereta terbaik! Prev Next Tawaran istimewa - hubungi sekarang! Hari Jam Hrg. Psrn. Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. I Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. Tag Berkaitan Lockdown 3.0 FMCO Travel pass MITI PDRM Cetak Adam Aubrey Content Producer Wants to live the simple life, especially when it comes to cars and bikes. That's what tech is for he reckons, to make motoring simpler Berita Berkaitan 1.57 Juta Pekerja Diberi Surat Kebenaran Pergerakan - Polis Terima Mana-Mana Surat Kementerian Bagi Urusan Kerja Berita Kereta Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | June 04, 2021 Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali berkata, sebanyak 586,308 syarikat telah berdaftar dengan Covid-19 Intelligent ... Honda Malaysia To Close Pegoh Plant From 1-14 June During Lockdown 3.0 Berita Kereta Ferdinand | July 12, 2021 In compliance with the total lockdown, lockdown 3.0 or FMCO taking place from 1-14 June 2021, Honda Malaysia will be closing its operations ... Lockdown 3.0: UMW Toyota Motor Suspends Sales And Manufacturing Operations Berita Kereta Ferdinand | June 08, 2021 UMW Toyota Motor has today confirmed that it will be temporarily suspending its sales and manufacturing operations nationwide with the country going ... Top 5 Petrolhead Series On Netflix To Help Get Through The Lockdown Period Rencana Adam Aubrey | June 25, 2021 Netflix and chill: The top 5 petrolhead series to keep you occupied and off the road this lockdown 3.0! For almost every Malaysian, the current ... Komen
Lockdown 3.0: Travel Approval Permit Only Issued From 6 Ministries Or Agencies Berita Kereta Adam Aubrey | July 12, 2021 04:58 PM The travel approval permits can only be given by these ministries or agencies. Starting from 8 June 2021, PDRM will only accept approval letters from six ministries and certain agencies for those who need to bypass roadblocks to travel to and from their workplace. "The public is reminded to submit the documents issued by the ministries or agencies that have been listed when going through the roadblocks and those who fail to do so or found using a fake letter will be subject to stern action under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342)," said, Inspector-General, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah in a statement reported by The Edge. These ministries and agencies are: International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) Transport Ministry Agriculture and Agro-Industry Ministry Plantation Industries and Commodities Ministry Communications and Multimedia Ministry Home Ministry and all its agencies Local authorities Bank Negara Malaysia Securities Commission of Malaysia Malaysian Rubber Board Police Sani also said that letters must be dated from June 1 and those that were issued before that date will be rejected. PDRM will only issue travel permits for self-employed individuals such as plumbers, traders and maintenance workers and those who would like to cross state or district borders for emergencies and deaths. PDRM will also give one-off approval letters for non-essential workers that need to go to the office to carry out unavoidable company procedures such as payroll or to prepare documents. An employer’s letter must be prepared as proof and the approval letter will only last for a few days. Hawkers, small-time traders or food trucks may use letters from their local councils, but operating licences for those in strata management, waste and sanitation will be issued by MITI. Approval letters for legal firms with 20% workforce will be issued by the Prime Minister's Department's Legal Affairs Division through MITI and legal practitioners who need to attend court to represent their clients in new cases will need to produce printed documents or the legal firm's letter at roadblocks. For more latest car news, reviews, car buying guides and videos visit us at Auto News. Check out all the best new & used car deals in Malaysia at Sell your car fast with the best offer? Visit us at Get your latest new car promotion here also. ✕ Mari berhubung dengan Whatsapp Kami mematuhi Akta Pelindungan Data Peribadi untuk melindungi anda Saya bersetuju dengan Terma Penggunaan dan Polisi Privasi Saya bersetuju untuk menerima komunikasi yang diperibadikan daripada dan penjual kereta, ahli gabungan dan rakan kongsi perniagaannya. Lihat tawaran kereta terbaik! Prev Next Tawaran istimewa - hubungi sekarang! Hari Jam Hrg. Psrn. Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. I Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. Tag Berkaitan Lockdown 3.0 FMCO Travel pass MITI PDRM
Tawaran istimewa - hubungi sekarang! Hari Jam Hrg. Psrn. Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik. I Kenapa tiada harga disenaraikan? Kadang-kadang, penjual ingin anda hubungi mereka untuk dapatkan harga yang terbaik.
1.57 Juta Pekerja Diberi Surat Kebenaran Pergerakan - Polis Terima Mana-Mana Surat Kementerian Bagi Urusan Kerja Berita Kereta Muhammad Sharil Tarmize | June 04, 2021 Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali berkata, sebanyak 586,308 syarikat telah berdaftar dengan Covid-19 Intelligent ...
Honda Malaysia To Close Pegoh Plant From 1-14 June During Lockdown 3.0 Berita Kereta Ferdinand | July 12, 2021 In compliance with the total lockdown, lockdown 3.0 or FMCO taking place from 1-14 June 2021, Honda Malaysia will be closing its operations ...
Lockdown 3.0: UMW Toyota Motor Suspends Sales And Manufacturing Operations Berita Kereta Ferdinand | June 08, 2021 UMW Toyota Motor has today confirmed that it will be temporarily suspending its sales and manufacturing operations nationwide with the country going ...
Top 5 Petrolhead Series On Netflix To Help Get Through The Lockdown Period Rencana Adam Aubrey | June 25, 2021 Netflix and chill: The top 5 petrolhead series to keep you occupied and off the road this lockdown 3.0! For almost every Malaysian, the current ...