Interstate Travel Allowed, But Remember To Uphold SOP


This weekend's Hari Raya Haji celebration will be a bit more special than others because technically, this will be the first Raya that families can get together since the restricted movement order was put in place.

Muslims were not allowed to return to their hometowns back in May due to the interstate travel ban, but after a nervous Monday, where many expected an interstate travel ban to be reinstated due to the increasing amount of COVID-19 cases, the government announced that they would not be doing so - yeehaw!

"There is no prohibition on interstate or inter-district travel. The public is free to travel back to their hometowns to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha," said Senior Minister (Security Cluster), Ismail Sabri Yaakob on Monday.

This means the roads of Malaysia will be completely packed with vehicles this weekend, so planning your journey is essential here. Where possible, we advise traveling back to your 'kampung halaman' as early in the week as possible or on the day itself to avoid major delays. 

We also advise checking your vehicles thoroughly before you head off. Make sure that engine oil is plenty, cooling fluids are adequate, tyres are pumped up, as these are essential in keeping your car on the road throughout a long and arduous journey. 

Since we are still in the recovery MCO phase we also hope that everyone keeps to the guideline that is set for the nation. If possible, avoid stopping by the R&Rs as it will be packed with people. Only stop if it is vital. You never know, there could be a person there who just attended the Najib case rally, one of the biggest gatherings of people in recent times that had no social distancing nor a point. 

From all of us at Carlist, Selamat Hari Raya to all Malaysians, stay safe, keep washing your hands and remember, sanitise constantly.

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Travel Travel Advisory HARI RAYA HAJI


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