Government To Bank In Fuel Subsidies For B40 Motorists Directly
Berita KeretaIt's been on the back burner for a while now, but the government seems to have finally arrived at a delivery solution to the fuel subsidy for the B40 (bottom 40) income demographic.
As reported by the Malay Mail, the subsidy will be banked in directly to the bank accounts of those who qualify for the subsidy.
Fuel subsidy for B40
The only issue now is that this is still a method that is executed after-the-fact - that is to say that all motorists will pay the same price for petrol at the pump, but those who qualify for the subsidy will be reimbursed at a later date. For those wondering how this can be executed, the government currently banks in the Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) cash aid scheme to 90% of the B40 group.
As for the actual mechanism at the pump, there is still talk of whether a card will be used to register fuel usage by someone who qualifies for this subsidy. The metrics to determine the amount of subsidy provided have also yet to be determined.
For the remaining 10% of the B40 group that doesn't yet receive subsidies and cash aid as they have no access to bank accounts, the government is trying to work together with banks in order to help open accounts for those living in rural areas.