Epic Korean Driver Rescues Lorry From Near-Certain Flipping
Berita KeretaWhat do you think would have happened after the moment pictured above?
If you were expecting the tale of another flipped lorry to follow causing the inevitable kilometre-long jam, you’re in for a surprise.
A video posted on the official Facebook page of YTN News, a South Korea-based broadcaster showed dashboard cam footage capturing how the driver of a lorry was forced into emergency brake resulting the lorry frighteningly losing control and on the verge of toppling over.
The lorry swerved from right to left on toward the fast lane where a passing vehicle narrowly managed to overtake the wobbling lorry and onto safety.
What happened next defied belief as the lorry driver miraculously brought the lorry back on four wheels, albeit with its hazard lights blinking. That's nerves of steel, plus not inconsiderable skill, plus a fair bit of good luck.
Give this driver a medal.
Follow this link to view the video on YTN News’ official FB page.
Special thanks to Malaysian EVO for the tip.