5 Things That Make The Toyota Hilux The Ultimate Off-Roader
RencanaAs much as pickup trucks have evolved, offering almost car-like comfort, refinement, convenience, there is no denying the fact that they are essentially workhorses that are designed and engineered to function in any surroundings.
This explains why manufacturers never compromise on the toughness and the off-road capabilities of pickup trucks, as a big bulk of them still go off-road on a regular basis.
Take Toyota for example – No matter how far ahead the Hilux has come in terms of comfort and refinement, it is still the undisputed king of pickup trucks when it comes to off-roading, thanks to these features:
Active Traction Control (A-TRC)
Aiming to maintain forward momentum to drive through tough situations easily, the A-TRC system detects whenever a wheel loses traction in L4 mode, and immediately brakes that wheel and transfers power to the other wheel on the axle.
Downhill-Assist Control (DAC)
The DAC system here really comes in handy while driving through steep, slippery slopes. How it works is that it controls the brakes independently and makes sure the Hilux doesn’t slide or lose grip and traction.
Rear Differential Lock
One of the most vital components as far as off-roading is concerned, is the Hilux’s rear differential lock. What it does is improve traction on undesirable road conditions by providing equal amounts of torque to both rear wheels.
4WD Transfer Dial
Switching from 2WD to 4WD has never been easier and more effortless. With just a twist of a knob, the driver can switch from 2WD to 4WD and back in the blink of an eye.
Enhanced Suspension
The latest version of the Hilux we have here comes with larger shock absorbers, which have significantly increased the ride comfort and stability. However, the suspension has also been designed in a way that the Hilux now provides improved roll stiffness, off-road traction, and also wheel articulation.
With all of the systems above working hand in hand, complemented by the powerful and reliable 2.4- and 2.8-litre turbocharged diesel engines, the Hilux has what it takes to conquer any beaten track that comes in its way.